Doc gave me a boot!

For the first time since my first emergency room visit, I finally feel things are really progressing. My first post op appointment with my surgeon was this past Friday and after looking at my x-rays and the incisions and lingering fracture blister he had some really good news! My bones are healing, actually fusing, my incisions are perfect with no signs of infection, and my fracture blisters are almost healed from the inside out. My stitches were taken out and instead of a hard cast (the original plan), I would get a removable boot! This was HUGE! Here's why:

- I can shower! Yay! So much easier than a bath with my leg hanging over the side!
- I can take my boot off to start some minor physical therapy. In fact, doc wants me to take it off twice a day and do 10 minutes of movement.
- The boot is wayyyy more comfortable. It's seriously is like a hug on my broken bones.
- The boot is cooler. It has air flow so no sweaty, stinky cast.
- It's adjustable. When my foot swells I can loosen it and vice versa so it fits better.
- It's wayyyy sexier. (If that's possible.)

The only downside is I can't have everyone sign it. I had planned to get a black cast and have everyone sign it in gold ink. Gangster. Oh well. I also got to see pics of my new titanium hardware. Gnarly!! It's also staying there forever so I'm permanently stuck with it.

I skipped a day to start my at home physical therapy because I was shocked again at how bad my leg looked on Friday. I don't know why it's do difficult for me to look at it but it is. So far, every time I see it, I break down. My poor calf muscle is gone, literally. It's so much smaller than my left leg and super atrophied. My incisions and blister are still healing so there are still wounds and scabs and blood. It's still swollen. It's not pretty and it hurts. I know it's a lame excuse to skip the very first day of at home physical therapy but I had to. I just wasn't ready.

The good thing is today I sucked it up and took off the boot and did what the Doc ordered. Yes, I broke down but I did it. Currently, I am only able to move my foot about a half inch forward, back, and to each side. Half inch. I can't even describe how sad this makes me BUT I know it will get better. It's daunting to think how far I still have to go but I'll get there. And I've made a commitment to myself to do what the doc has ordered no matter how hard emotionally or physically it is. I certainly can't give up now after all that I've been through.


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