The Mountains Are Calling And You Must Go

I'm home, I'm comfy, I'm healing, and I miss Tony. My husband is on a nine day backpacking trip that started in the sequoias and will end seventy five miles later at the bottom of Mt. Whitney (after climbing it). It is a trip he has been planning and excitedly anticipating for a whole year. As fate would have it, my surgery was pushed back to the day he was leaving.

It was our decision to make, if he would stay or go, and not an easy one. Tony's natural instincts to take care of and protect me were in high gear. He was struggling with leaving me. As we seriously discussed whether he would stay or go, he gave me the final say. If I felt he needed to stay, he would, no question, no hard feelings. I went with my gut, and that was the mountains are calling and he needed to go. Yes, it would be difficult (as it always is when your love is away) especially with the added emotions, love, care, and shoulder I would need. But the amazing thing is we are not alone in this world and we have the most beautiful, caring, thoughtful, loving people in our life all willing to help. 

"What do you mean he's leaving you all by yourself right after your surgery? What are you going to do? Can't he change the dates?" This was most everyones reaction when I told them Tony would still be going on his trip despite my predicament. Though never said, I could tell this really upset many. There would be no changing dates due to the very limited amount of permits released that all get snatched up a year in advance. It would be another year of waiting if he didn't go. 

I refuse to let the universe's plan for me keep my husband from living out the universe's plan for him even if it may cause some temporary discomfort and hardship on me. I mean he just spent the last three weeks waiting on me hand and foot, does he not deserve and need some time for him? I know deep inside that his life plan includes this trip. I am positive we will both learn more this week with him being away than we could ever learn with him here at home making me tomato soup. We are both exactly where we are supposed to be. 

Very few could understand why Tony would leave me during one of the most difficult times in my life to go on "just a backpacking trip". These people do not know my husbands love for backpacking like I do so I can understand why they don't get it.These backpacking trips are what make him feel alive, it's his freedom, it's his religion and he has a limited time in our short time in this life to do it. I don't want to take that from him. 

The flip side is I am getting to spend so much needed and past due time with my best friends. Quality time. My Aunt, Shannon, Dina, Sue, Alisa, and Carmen have all committed to staying with me this week at my house and taking care of me while Tony's gone. So I'm not alone. I'm not sad, I'm not needing anything and I am continually blessed.

I hope he is having the most amazing time recharging his soul in the forest. I'm going to need him when he does return in so many ways and I will be really happy when he's home.


  1. I get it, completely and see that you are surrounded in love and light with your family and friends.


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