Epsom Salt Baths for Self Care
An awesome habit I adopted while in recovery for my ankle was regular weekly Epsom Salt baths. At the time, I had read somewhere that the best way to get more magnesium was to soak in it. Since magnesium is an essential mineral for healthy bones, helps us to absorb more calcium, and may help to prevent arthritis, I wanted to get as much of it as possible. What I didn’t realize was that Epsom Salt baths have so many other benefits than just contributing to bone health.
One of the major benefits I get from regular Epsom Salt baths is pain relief and reducing swelling when I have sore muscles or my ankle flairs up again. With all the hiking I do, I am regularly sore- usually I can cure it with one long Epsom Salt bath. It will literally melt the pain away without any need to take any kind of pain relievers or side effects. It really helps.
Another benefit of an Epsom Salt bath is I can enhance it by adding essential oils for whatever I am feeling or need. If I’m feeling a cold coming on, I will use a combo of eucalyptus, lavender, and peppermint. To lift my spirits, I add orange, lavender, and rose. If I need help with sleeping, I add lavender, sage, and bergamot. The combinations are endless- just make sure the essential oils you use are safe for skin contact. If you have real flower petals you can add, like roses or lavender, you can add those too.
The biggest and most impactful benefit of Epsom Salt baths for me, one that is perfect for what we are going through now, is stress relief. Usually if I am feeling stressed, I will add some organic lavender and vetiver oils and soak until the water goes cold. I always feel so much better afterwards and it helps me to fall asleep easier as well. I almost feel as relaxed as I do after a massage when I am finished.
I take at least three Epsom Salt baths a week- even more of I’m extra stressed or have time. It is something I really enjoy. You can find Epsom Salt at any grocery store or drug store. I get the kind that doesn’t have any essential oils already added to it so I can make my own depending on what I need. A great resource for finding essential oil combinations is on Pinterest here:
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