What Inspires You?
Recently, in the Blaze Your Own Trail to Self Love group I am a member of, the founder, Sydney asked us “what inspires you?”. I took a couple days to think about what truly inspires me and not just to answer the question based on what I’ve been taught to believe is inspirational. I wanted my response to be intentional and what I resonate with deeply and not what I have been conditioned to believe. Part of my journey to reconnecting to my true self and healing from trauma is this process- taking the time to feel into what matters to me, what feels good to me, and sharing what is my truth, unapologetically.
For me in the past, inspiration might have looked like someone who was successful in their career or someone who is an incredible athlete. While those people are inspirational in their own way, I just don’t find personal inspiration in those things anymore. It’s so much deeper than that for me.
I find way more inspiration in someone who chooses kindness even in the face of cruelty. Someone who has done the work to become a better version of themself even when it is painful. Someone who is so passionate about their life their light shines on the people surrounding them.
That is inspiring.
What I realized was that true inspiration for me isn’t based on accomplishments, something I thought for so long was what I needed to do to receive love. Inspiration for me is based on an aligned state of being. It’s based on good emotional and spiritual health. It’s based on being true to oneself.
So here was my answer in the group:
“I am inspired by people who live their authentic truth even when it can be difficult to do so.
I’ve struggled with people pleasing and denying my needs because I thought I had to do that to survive. I lost touch of who I really am for so long. Taking the journey to reconnect to my higher self and live in my truth has been the best thing I have ever done for myself even the days when it is gut wrenching and hard.”
So for all of you in my life living your authentic truth you are my inspiration. You inspire me to do this work every day. Your light is changing the world. ❤️
Now it’s your turn. What inspires you?
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