One Year

I made it to the one year mark (plus a week) from my accident. It's been quite a year to say the least! While I am still healing, I feel that I can do almost anything I did before my accident with the exception of running. My range of motion is still limited so when I run I resemble a duck running; not very cute nor comfortable. I have my next appointment with my surgeon sometime next month so we will see what he says about my range of motion and if anything can be done about it.

This picture popped up in my time hop app today:

It was exactly one year ago yoday I was waking up from surgery with an external fixator attached to my bones in my ankle and shin. I still get queasy looking at it.

But out of this accident, so many good things have happened as a result. I've learned so much about myself, patience, living in the moment, and now our new dream business we launched this week. Without this accident, I would probably still be living a stressed out life hoping for a change. The broken bones gave me the swift kick in the ass I needed to realize that life would just pass me by if I didn't grab it by the horns and create my own path.

Well enough of the metaphors for today! Please check out our new venture inspired by laying on a dirt trail with a broken bones and a broken spirit.


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