Timeline for First 11 Weeks Post Trimalloeor Fracture

Something that has been missing from this healing process is a tangible timeline with some average expectations. My doctors haven't given me one, nor are there any clear ones online. I understand it's difficult to predict the outcome, but it would be awesome if I could read a timeline from someone that had a similar injury. I guess I'm still struggling a little with trying to live in the future and wanting to know what to expect. Or maybe I just want to identify with someone else's similar experience. Either way, I figured I could write my own timeline periodically in case someone like me stumbles across my blog wanting to see a timeline from someone with a similar experience. So here's my first timeline written for just that purpose. Plus it's cool to see how far I've come.

June 4th, 2014: Trimalloeor fracture and dislocated ankle while hiking on my birthday. Rushed to hospital via awesome firemen and put in a splint. Sent home same night. Improperly diagnosed with a Bimalleolar Fracture. Was told I would have surgery the following Monday. Pain levels ranging from 6-8 even with medications. Sent home with a splint.

June 9th 2014: First appointment with Kaiser orthopedics. Took a series of X-rays and discovered I had a Trimalleolar Fracture instead of a Bimalleolar Fracture and a dislocated ankle. Set the broken bones but was unable to get bones back in place. Put me under for my first surgery to install an external fixation device until my swelling went down and fracture blister heals. Pain levels ranging from 7-9. Spent two nights in the hospital.

June 18th 2014: I had my first follow up appointment to see if surgery is an option yet. Doc was not happy with the swelling or the fracture blisters progress so surgery was not an option. Was worried about missing the window of opportunity for surgery. Scheduled my next check up for the following week. Pain at a consistent 5.

June 23rd 2014: Second follow up appointment. Doc was happy with the swelling and fracture blister healing. Scheduled surgery for three days later.

June 26th 2014: Doc successfully operated on my ankle and removed the external fixation device and installed quite a bit of hardware. I woke up to a level 10 in pain and was given a nerve block which
 numbed my entire leg for about 15 hours. After it wore off, I was at a 8-9 for about 12 hours. They finally were able to get my pain under control and bring it down to a 5 with massive doses of  IV Dilaudid. I was in the hospital for two nights. Sent home with a splint.

July 10th 2014: First follow up appointment with my surgeon. Was very happy with the X-rays and decided a removable boot instead of a hard cast was appropriate. This was the best news yet. Pain levels at a three. Sent home wearing a removable boot.

August 10th 2014: Second follow up appointment with surgeon. He stated my bones are healed and I can begin the process of putting weight on my ankle. He says my muscles and tendons are very atrophied so it will take awhile to get my strength back. I am able to take off my boot and put on a normal shoe if it's more comfortable. He also tells me once I start putting weight on it I will have increased pain and swelling. He writes me a prescription for pain medication and tells me to purchase compression socks which will help with swelling. I am happy happy!

August 25th 2014: I have been trying to walk all week with no luck. Doc was correct about increased pain and swelling but I'm managing it. This was what it looked like today. I'm still waiting for PT to call for my first appointment.



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