10 Things I Can't do With a Broken Ankle

I've been really trying to keep a positive attitude going through this but sometimes that can be a challenge. One of the hardest things I'm trying to overcome is how limited I feel. There are so many things I just can't do with a broken ankle. It's something I have to get used to because Doc says I am not able to do any of the below until mid September. This blog entry is my attempt to let go of these things I can't do and just get over it. So please bear with me through this and if you have any clever ideas of substitutions for anything below please comment. I'm just not going to learn to crochet or play chess, am considering making one of those tied rag rugs though!

1. Drink wine. Ugh, probably one of the hardest of this list for many reasons. Apparently pain pills + wine = overdose. It's not even just the wine itself I miss, but everything that goes along with it. Relaxing on my patio with a glass after a long work week, Friday night date night with my hubby and a glass of vino with dinner, sharing a bottle with my girlfriends, and so much more. Maybe this is just a way to get me to like cheap wine again because once I can have some, I'm sure even cheap wine will taste good! Two Buck Chuck anyone?

2. Drive a car. Although it's been pretty nice to be chauffeured around this past month, it's been very difficult for me (Little Miss Independent) to have to rely on others to take me to the places I must go. I feel like the loser boyfriend we've all had. It's so insane to not be able to hop in my car and run up to the store to grab something. The good thing is I've only been out a couple times so far because of the exhaustion but I'm dreading the next two months as I get my strength back. My husband has been so amazing so far in making sure I have what I need and get out of the house but I'm pretty sure I'm not getting my Subaru back from him.

3. Swim. Uhm....it's hot, it's summer and I can't swim! My tan is gone, and I'm starting to look like I could be on the set of The Walking Dead lately. I've been looking online at waterproof cast covers but am not sure if swimming is worth looking like I have Scuba Steve attached to my leg. I guess the upside is I'll have one less year of wrinkles when I'm old.

4. Walk- including hiking, running, walking, etc. The hardest part about this one is I was walking 15-20 miles a week just walking my dogs. Tony is trying his best to keep up walking them but with all of the added work, it's hard. We did try a practice "pull" at the dog park, where the dogs pulled me in my wheelchair and it worked, I just want to err on the cautious side and wait until I get my hard cast to attempt again. My a Doc would be proud of that decision I'm sure.

5. Ride. My horse has been chillin like some Columbian drug lord the past month. He's got his mares on either side of his stall to keep him company plus people to feed him, clean up after him, and give him treats and all he has to do is lounge. According to Suzanne, it's good for him to take some time just to be a horse and do horse things but I'm really missing our time together. I'm just going to have to get my Jake fix from my wheelchair.

6. Work. Yes, my doc has taken me off work until mid September. Although many would think this is would be awesome, it just means I'm going to have a TON to do when I get back. My girls are kicking ass so far and have stepped up to take over many of the things I do. I'm so proud of them!

7. Clean. Well my OCD is fighting its way in each day I'm home staring at the walls. I've had help cleaning from Tony, friends, and hired help but when you're home all day you start to notice things that normally in your busy crazy life  you wouldn't. Like the ceiling fan blades or the front door windows. Once I have my energy back, I'm going to clean everything I can reach from my chair. Tony will have to do the ceiling fan blades.

8. Fly. I was like, hey I'll go visit my Mom and my Doc was like hey no you can't fly.

9. Get a massage. Uhm yeah, no massages either. Starting to not really like my doc and his "rules".

10. Sleep on my stomach. Oh the day I can sleep soundly on my stomach instead on my back with my ankle propped up on three pillows. I'm going to post the picture here on my blog so you all can see the joy in my eyes!!!


  1. Life is taking you down a new path for now. What an opportunity to view life from a new perspective. See life through the eyes of your mind. View your surroundings as though for the first time
    Write down your thoughts, feelings and emotions even if they dont make sense. I told you the other night that you are a good writer. Theres something in you that you never given a voice. Give that something a voice. God gave you a caring heart and beautiful words as a gift. Thank you for sharing your heart through this blog. I believe this is only the beginning.


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