Imperfect but Perfect Healing Blog- Entry One

I hear the clog, clog, clogitty clog of my nurse Lizth's, Danko's on her way off to retrieve my 1:30pm Dilaudid Tabs. My pain level is at a 3, maybe 4, maybe 6. I don't really even know what 1-10 means anymore because it's ever changing and just a number in my head, my foggy drug laced head. While I sit and try to piece together the last six days of my life for purposes of this little blog, worrying about it's perfection and clarity, I pause to celebrate. My roomie, Mary, after four days of narcotic induced constipation, has taken a much needed poop. It's amazing how close you can become to a perfect stranger when you share such close quarters and are both in the same situation. So yay for Mary and her big poop and goodbye to worrying about a perfect clear blog. I am letting all of those old feelings go.

Welcome to my imperfect but perfect healing blog.

I'm a big believer in the universe giving you what you need when you need it. So far, it's given me Tony, my horse, my friends, my family, my job and so much more. After a few days of thinking, going back and forth from woes me to I will survive, I've come to the conclusion that the universe decided I needed a break from so many things (no pun intended) and gave it to me in all of this broken ankle glamor. Because really the only way to stop me is to STOP me physically. This was the only way and it knew what needed to be done.

I am positive more good than bad will come from this little "break". I have the next 7 days of 23 hour a day bed rest to rest, really rest. That will be a first in my life since the days of forced naps in pre-school. My ankle needs it, my body needs it, my soul needs it and the universe has given it to me.

I do want to say one really important thing: thanks to  Shannon & Steve, Sue, Dina, Tony, my Mom, & Dad who have helped me in so many ways and the rest of my friends and family near and far who have shared the most heartfelt comments and encouragement. It means so much to me and I am grateful.


  1. Happy Healing, woman! I know EXACTLY what you mean by the Universe forcing you to be still; you don't like it, but it's oh so necessary. Take advantage of those forced naps and most important, take advantage of the time the Universe has given you to BE STILL. A

  2. Oh yes the universe is amazing and provides what we need, when we need it. The drugs seem to take the edge off the pain but leave everything else fuzzy and backed up don't they. I was laid up for a long time after an accident many years ago and the poop the thing is a BIG deal. Lots of fluids and stool softeners helps. Welcome to blogland buddy, it's fun here and I'm looking forward to following along your journey back to good health. Sending light and prayers for healing your way. You got this!



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